Disclosure Part 3 It was getting late and my parents had since gone to bed. There wasnÕt much on the tube, as usual, but I managed to fall upon a b-movie on cable high. It was just like all the others: dubbed, and overdubbed, with surprisingly young female leads. I watched this movie and could almost foretell the events. They are all similar: once the girl yawns, it foretells a shower sequence. Indeed, the fine miss soon took to bath. Of course, our dame was quite wealthy and employed at least a few servants. This particular maiden attended to ÒdrawÓ the bath for the Lady nymph. Quite innocently the miss disrobes and slides into the hot bath prepared by her womanservant. The incapable lass is too rich to launder her own body and this action is left for the maiden. All the servants are alike; early twenties, busty, and share the impeccable quality of arousal upon site of their master. After a few strokes of the rag, the lead dame, surely no older than 17, begins to reminisce of past sexual encounters...or desires of such. Any good maid would, of course, attend to her masterÕs wants, no matter the case. Not surprisingly, the servant soon unclothed, takes to share the water with her young master Lady. This is when the moaning and whimpering begins. The servant proceeds without the wash rag and cleanses her noblewomanÕs slippery chest. Using only her hands she caresses and tickles the juvenile along her breasts and then soon upon to her belly. A brief camera shot below the water reveals the very hairy crotch of the miss. The maidenÕs hand is shown going under water and presumably exploring her masterÕs most private part. Of course, this scene is left mostly to the imaginative since only brief shots of this action is revealed. Actually, even though I tease at this show, it is in all stimulating. The two lasses continue the overplay of caress and tease; a breasts lick here, and the obviously not-enjoyed French kiss. These young ÒactressesÓ are too fresh to believably portray this most difficult action. Only the older, more real, b-porno actresses can play out a convincing lesbian encounter with intimate kisses. These two particular ladies did seem to excel at psuedo-arousal, and I began to get excited. I was engrossed in the movie when someone walked in the TV room. I frantically went for the remote control to change the channel. Alas, the remote fell to the floor and my hope to conceal my viewing went in vain. I shifted my legs to hide my arousal and looked to the visitor. Thankfully it was only my sister, Janet. It was dark in the room, and through the haze I noticed my sister entering the room and came and sat anext to me. ÒCouldnÕt sleep.Ó, Jan spoke to me under a stretch. ÒJust watching some movie...nothinÕ on.Ó, I returned to Jan. My sister cleared her eyes from her sleep, and looked at the television. Strangely my sis sat and viewed the television. Janet watched this movie and seemed to not even pay interest to its content. The two young ladies in the movie had stopped their intimacies and sat still in the hot water of the bath. Finally sister Jan spoke,ÓWhatÕs this?Ó I am open with my sister and told her it was the Òusual b-porno movieÓ. Janet seemed to take my reply with normality offering,ÓIÕve seen her before somewhere...sheÕs pretty.Ó ÒWhich one?Ó, I asked of my sisterÕs comment. Janet, still affixed to the tube, quietly replied,ÓThe blonde....with the big boobs.Ó JanetÕs observation meant the womanservant. As my sweet sister sat watching the movie I turned to look at her. Not the first time, but I noticed JanÕs seductive beauty; sis was not very ÒcutelyÓ, and appeared rather like a seductress. Janet sat back and cuddled near me with a pillow between her legs. ÒWhatÕs it about?Ó, Jan asked of the movie. I told all I knew,Ó...nothing much, these movies have no real plots. They are made simply to seduce the male audience with these young ladies.Ó Sis giggled lightly and kept a thin smile on her lips. We sat and watched for a while. After a few minutes I looked over to Jan. Simultaneously she looked to me and smiled and returned her attention to the flick. Getting more comfortable, Jan shifted her body; feet towards me. Sis took the pillow from between her tan legs and placed it behind her head. As to be expected Jan was in her nighty; and as usual, was bra-less. I have often noted Jan panty-less by the dark haze from under her gown. Tonight was no exception, and her position next to me made for a clear view of my sisterÕs pubis. I tried not to look, outlast such that she would not catch me. In the movie, but once again it was time for a teen lesbian act. The same Lady of the house, but paired with her cousin; Òwhat are cousins for, anyhow?Ó. Course, the lovely actress portraying cousin Regina surely was no older than 18 herself. For a cable movie, this act was quite graphic. Hints at oral stimulation and even sixty-nine were evident. I was aroused, and looked to see how sis reacted. Jan saw me look to her and said,ÓIÕm surprised how young they are...I guess theyÕre boutÕ 15 or so...Ó I said nothing but felt a shift in my pants. Jan was still eying me and, too, saw my arousal. My sister lightly suggested,ÓWell, I guess 15 is old enough for yaÕ?Ó I laughed it off and played down my embarrassment. However, sis chose not to let me off so easy and joked, ÒYou might want to loosen your zipper, or else you might get hurt.Ó I laughed sarcastically and could think of no Òcome backÓ. Jan repositioned herself and sat indian-style next to me. We both watched the movie further. The two actresses had now taken to kissing and slapped tongues. This had always been the most appealing facet of these psuedo-lesbian scenes. My aroused penis took to an even larger and more pressing size. I noticed Jan was watching it grow as if she were reporting on it. Before she could speak her comment, I noticed she, too, was excited; for her nipples were erect and pressing upon her light threaded gown. ÒGee, I guess IÕm not the only one who likes young girls..Ó, I jested at sis. She attempted to debate and said,ÓWhaddaÕ yaÕ mean?Ó I turned to Jan and flicked her hard breast through her gown. More futile arguments, and Jan told me that her condition was due to the coldness. It was actually quite warm in the room, and Jan sensed this as soon as her words were done. I looked to her with disbelieving eyes. ÒItÕs just cuz I donÕt have a bra on.Ó, Jan said as she dug herself deeper. I ignored her remark and returned to watching the movie. At this point in the movie, one of the bell-bottomed studs was to get his chance with the rich Lady. I knew my sister could not suppress her arousal whence this scene played. Soon, the man began to sex the young lady; pounding his hips behind the lass in dog-fashion. I saw Jan getting antsy in attempting to conceal her emotions. I bent forward and stared at my sisterÕs chest; mostly as a joke just to make her mad at commenting initially on my arousal. Jan sniped at me,ÓHere...can you see better?Ó. Jan gathered the neck of her gown and tugged it down below her left bosom. I was surprised she did this, but remained calm and apologized for making her feel nervous. She was still bitter and complained,ÓNo. Here you go.Ó, and she proceeded to stretch her gown nightgown exposing both her breasts. I wasnÕt sure why she did this, but seemed as if she was trying to make me feel embarrassed. I purposefully turned my sight away from her exposed bosom and again watched the movie. Jan soon succumbed to my ignoring her and said bitterly,ÓFine...IÕll just lie here like this...by the way, if want to look at me, go ahead.Ó I quickly returned to my sister,ÓFine, you lie there...but I donÕt want to see you. I was only teasing, god, you canÕt take a joke can you?Ó She did not reply and a minute later reclothed her breasts. The movie was about over and it was time for the climactic ending scene. My sis and I were eventually back on speaking terms. Our fine young lady was to have her big moment with an older man and his wife. Jan noted,ÓHere we go again...this girl must be loose as shit!Ó I rarely heard my sister talk in such a sexual manner, but it did not surprise me for she often had a foul mouth. I joked back,Ó Not really, most of her sex was with women!Ó Jan smiled and pulled herself nearer to me. During the scene Jan leaned against me and said,ÓIÕm sorry about earlier, we were both pretty much being assholes. I shouldnÕt have been angry with you for noting my tits and all.Ó I apologized as well and told Jan,ÓYeh, it was stupid of us anyhow, weÕre brother and sister after all. IÕm not trying to hide anything...even that.Ó Jan grinned replying,ÓTrue....besides, I CANÕT hide mineÓ, she pointed me to her still hard nipples. In the humorous mood, I pulled her gown forwards away from her body and looked down her chest and said,ÓYeh, I guess you really canÕt hide it too much!Ó I released her gown and it snapped back to her body. Jan giggled with me at my antics. I said nothing but was actually quite impressed with my sisterÕs nice breasts. Jan noted,ÓI guess I shouldnÕt have said anything about yourÓ, she pointed at my buldged pants. I snipped back,ÓYeh, cuzÕ I canÕt hide that either.Ó Instantly Jan reached down and pulled up my jeans waist and peered sideways down my pants. I was startled but expected it following my same deed. The credits now ran down the screen. Jan still next to me, and warmer than ever. I began to like this close meeting with my sister; and it appeared she did, too. Back-to-back b-porno movies were apparently scheduled for ÒTinaÕs DanceÓ was just coming on. I noted the ÒnewÓ feature to Jan and she acted happy but then controlled her emotions to act impartial. The movie opened with some lady, apparently Tina, tapping her fingers against the back of the man underneath her. Jokingly, Jan began to tap her fingers on my back mimicking the film. At first I didnÕt catch on but then realized her parody and smiled to her. I watched as TinaÕs tapping grew lower upon her manÕs back and felt upon my back JanÕs tapping yet growing lower. It was by chance that the actors were dressed much like sis and I. Tina wore a teddy, and the man was shirtless with his jeans on. Jan wore a nightgown, and I same as the man. Tina had now stopped tapping and began stroking her forefinger along the manÕs waist line. Jan, too, stroked her warm finger on my skin. I was terribly aroused now, and my penis began to push my jeans away from me. Tina slid her hand around under the man and apparently took agrasp of him. I felt Jan stop her stroking and cautiously awaited the next move. There was to be none, though, and Jan giggled at her caper. I was so engrossed in my JanÕs moves I had to come back to realize this girl was my sister. The man and Tina flipped over, now swapping initial positions. The man began to tap upon TinaÕs stomach which lay before him. Apparently tapping played a big role in this movie. I wanted to tap upon Jan as she did to me but was nervous. Realizing she couldnÕt argue I tapped my fingers around her belly, through her gown. She smiled lightly and pulled herself closer to me. My fate now lay in the hands of this man in the movie, for I was determined to match his actions. The man moved his tapping higher, upon the ribs of Tina, and I played them back atop Jan. Jan sat watching the movie the whole time. The man boldly moved up and tapped lightly on TinaÕs tiny breasts. After lightfast thought I too pat my forefinger on my sisterÕs nipple. It was very hard and I mentioned it,ÓYep...still hard.Ó Jan laughed lightly and whispered,ÓOf course...Ó When I looked back at the screen the man rolled TinaÕs robe from her bosom exposing her small bosom. Really excited, I put a few fingers beneath JanÕs fleshy chest and jiggled her breasts out of her gown. They fell upon her gown and the elastic quickly tightened below her sizable boobs. I expected Jan to comment, either good or bad, but she did not. Rather, she adjusted the elastic allowing herself more comfort. I was almost scared to look at the screen. The man now eagerly fondled TinaÕs boobs with one hand and began to undo his pants with the other. I looked to Jan, but she offered no signal as she sat watching the movie. I analyzed her silence as a Ògo aheadÓ and began to feel her nice tits. I used both hands, however, and did not undo my pants. Her breasts were unusually warm, and grew noticeably cooler towards her tense nipples. Jan reached her arm around my back and hugged me one handed. I continued to cuddle and roll my sisterÕs bosom for a good ten seconds. I went to the television for further guidance. The man no pantless had abandoned TinaÕs breasts for better things....he began to unfasten her garter and soon removed the front exposing TinaÕs red-haired vagina. Jan saw me look at the screen and again offered no clue of passage. I tugged at JanÕs gown attempting to pull it down to expose more of her front but had difficultly getting much past her rib-cage. Jan swung her hair around her back and eased herself from the arms of her gown. Now, all signs go, I slid down my sisterÕs silk down past her naval. She was seated and thus the material gather up around her waist. The couple in the movie had since begun intercourse and, thus, I no longer used his guidance. I rubbed my palm around JanÕs belly and around her back; occasionally going back to her warm breasts. JanÕs eyes were closed and she seemed to be in hazed state. I wanted more and slowly worked my hand under the gathered fabric. I felt her belly become hairier as I approached her vagina. Once I had found her bushy center Jan took my hand and stopped me. I figured she wanted to stop so I sat motionless next to her. Jan stood up bare breasted before me and looked at the entrance the TV room( surely she was making sure no was around). To my great surprise and delight Jan pushed down the material at her waist and let her gown fall to the floor. Her vagina was woolier than it felt, and seemed to scatter wildly in patterns. Quickly Jan fell back next to me in the exact same position she was in before. Her vagina radiated warmth all near her belly. Guiding my hand with hers, Jan ran my hand along the top of her fur. I allowed sis to control my hand and made no attempts to do anything she didnÕt wish. Her guidance became harder and she pressed my hand firmly upon her hot pussy. Lower she went until I felt the boiling skin of her vagina protruding from her hairy coat. Her hand left mine and I was on my own. I stayed along her sweet skin and rubbed my finger lightly along her vagina guided solely by the heat and moistness. Lower I went until I sensed the opening of my sisterÕs vagina. Without much force, and almost accidentally, I plunged a finger half an inch into my sister. She was very wet and my finger felt loose in her cunt. Jan seemed to enjoy it nonetheless and rocked slowly. I popped my finger from my sister and looked at her vagina. She was quite loose, and her clitoris was very large. I sank my finger again into Jan, this time deeper until she flinched. I had a good two inches in her vagina and pushed her clit around with my thumb. JanÕs hips began to swirl and bob and I knew how to help her. I steadily ÔfuckedÕ my finger in and out of her until she was rather unrestrained. I had never ÔfingeredÕ a girl into climax before and now my sister was about to become the first. I continued to rotate and push my finger into Jan until I felt a steaming stream run down my hand. Jan bobbed up and down and breathed loudly with each hump. She came for a few seconds and then pulled my finger from her sweaty pool of juice. She bent over and kissed me lightly on the forehead. She stood and dressed quickly. She began to walk from the room but turned and came back next to me. Undaunted, Jan unsnapped my jeans and pulled my penis from my underwear. I wished she had not, since I already began to drip cum. Stopping not though, my sister proceeded to jack me off using her warm hands. Only seconds later I blasted my cum all along her hand and onto my belly. After I came Jan bent down and kissed my penis, then again placed a kiss on my forehead. She zipped up my pants, right atop my cum spotted belly, and said,ÓWhenever that movie is on, we will do this....keep track and tell me when it comes on next. Good night.Ó Needless to say, next time it was on Jan was away at her friends house. But, I was careful to tape the movie and play it for her upon her return. THE END.